Porsche Middleton Supported Higher Taxes

Again and Again and Again

Backed a $12 Million Tax Hike During COVID

Supported a $12 million dollar sales tax hike during COVID that would have made essentials more expensive and raised the cost of living even higher.

Source: Citrus Heights Sentinel, July 26, 2020, ABC10.com, November 4, 2020

Porsche Middleton advocated for a $3.6 billion dollar sales tax hike that would make essentials like cars, furniture, and clothing more expensive.

Source: Citrus Heights Sentinel, November 4, 2016, Ballot Arguments Measure B

Backed a $3.6 Billion Tax Hike

Supported Billions in Higher Gas Taxes

Supported California’s ever-increasing gas tax which costs drivers over billions every year.

Source: Citrus Heights Sentinel, October 13, 2018

On the Citrus Heights City Council, Porsche Middleton voted for fees that will add $5,000 in costs to the construction of a new home.

Source: Citrus Heights Sentinel, June 26, 2022, Citrus Heights City Council Minutes, June 23, 2022

Increased Housing Costs by About $5,000

Vote NO on Porsche Middleton for State Assembly

We just can’t afford her!